Saturday, August 23, 2008

Knit Night

This past Thursday was knit night. Sounds thrilling, I know, but it actually is a blast! The hubs and even our babysitter joke about how knit club is a bunch of old ladies sitting around, well I always have so much fun whenever I go. Lovingly referred to as "stitch and bitch" we basically get together, have dinner, drink wine and, more often than not, talk about the dirtiest stuff imaginable. They may be old ladies, dear hubs, but they've been around the block once or twice and have some great tricks!!!

One knit night I brought along these cards my mom had given me called "conversation cards". The ladies and I were going through the cards and asking the questions one by one and an interesting card surfaced. I read it aloud, "what is the most daring place you've had sex". Some folks said the car, lots of car answers, someone said they were hiking and just pulled off the trail, but the most daring answer came from the oldest lady there! She was 80+ and she said, "under the boardwalk in the daytime". Ooooh, what a little silver fox! The funny thing was that it had just happened the previous week, kidding, but thought it was so funny that out of all these ladies, that the oldest, most poised and unassuming person there came up with the most daring answer. Of course, she had many more opportunities than the rest of us, being 80 something.

This past week's knit night was at my friend Marie's back cottage. She just had it rebuilt and it is DARLING! Painted yellow and surrounded by roses, it was a total respite from the world of mommy-dom and wife-dom. A place where I could just be me, and for four hours, no responsibilities. I sat there with all of my lady friends, pulled out my yarn and needles and started to knit, something I hadn't done since before Evs was born 7 months ago. The yarn felt so good between my fingers and the rhythmic beat of the pattern settled in my hands. yo, k2, yo, k3, yo, k2tog, s1, psso, k3, yo... and so the beat goes.


MrsWiley said...

well, i guess we learn something new everyday about our dear old grandmas!!! :0)

jora said...

I really, really want to join you one of these days. Marie has to teach me though. :-)

Sarah said...

I was just htinking it's time to get knitting again and this post has certainly inspired me. I love the mix of women and the teaching...under the boardwalk, huh?