Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Well, Hello Again

It has been quite some time, hasn't it? To be honest these past few months have been wildly overwhelming. We have had our baby girl (amazing, oh so in love) and two weeks later we sold our home, moved in with my in-laws and a month later closed on a gorgeous, I'll repeat it, GORGEOUS home in suburbia. I thought the withdrawal symptoms would be unbearable but I love our new home, yard, space, pool, vegetable garden, roses, gardenias, I just love it.

So now for the wake up call.

Having three children under age 5 is really tiring and challenging. Even more so than I'd envisioned. I just can't stay on top of everything I'd like. But oh well. What the hell. I'm having fun in my messy, box strewn house. Some day stuff will get put away and the house will get it's updates. Some day the wallpaper will come off and light fixtures will go in. In a couple of years after Baby Lil's has moved past crawling, we'll put wood floors in. Right now, we're all just taking it day by day.

1 comment:

Colin said...

Sounds like it's going great, thanks for the update. I think the most important question about your new place, is the bathroom big enough for the Poodium? Mine is too small...

--Colin Adams

(getting married in August!)